Open toes, pretty toes, smooth feet, soft feet, happy toes,
happy feet, light legs, light on my feet, skip through the street, skip along
the beach.
Washing someone else’s feet or someone washing your feet is
seen as a sign of respect… respect yourself – wash your feet.
A very wise, very well spoken man once said, wash your
feet and all your body is clean.
The Selfie Pedicure….
Exfoliator is a granular product that gently removes dead skin cells and ingrained dirt. Through gently sloughing off the dead, rough skin cells with an exfoliating product you will reveal younger healthier skin, which will have a more youthful feel and colour. You will also be stimulating the production of new skin cells from below the skins surface… cell regeneration!… Anything you put on your skin after an exfoliation is better absorbed into the skin, so moisturising is more effective and nourishing to the young skin you’ve revealed.
Massage the exfoliator into the bottoms of the feet in
circular motions, and swiftly over the tops of the feet and up the lower legs –
pressure on the up towards the heart – to improve circulation.
Use a rougher exfoliating product (one with bigger grains
and more of them), like a salt scrub, over the areas of hard or dry skin –
typically the heels of the feet – you will find this skin on the areas of your
feet where your body weight is being supported – or where shoes are rubbing. (You can mix your own with sea salt and olive
oil, even a little lime!)
Now your toes are clean and nails softened you should be
able to the cut the nails easily.Cut them straight across and not too close the pink of the
nail. If you cut the nails down at the sides of the nails you have more chance
of developing in-growing toe nails with the pressure of shoes against the toe
the nail can simply grow into the nail wall – this is not comfortable and can
cause infection. By keeping the sides of the nails above or at the height of
the nail wall they will not grow into it. Cut off the length of the nail but
not too close the pink of the nail. Where the pink nail (nail plate/nail bed)
turns into the white of the nail (the free edge) is line called the
hyponychium, this is a waterproof protective seal, and it stops dirt and
bacteria entering the nail bed (the soft, pink skin under the hard nail plate),
if you force this line down or break the barrier you are more susceptible to
bacterial and fungal nail infections. Respect the line! Using a clean nail file – yes you can clean
your nail files – in-fact I would recommend it – antibacterial soap and a nail
brush will do the job – file of any sharp catches. Using the file in one
direction, rather than seesawing at the nail is recommended to prevent
splitting of the nail.
Using a nice thick moisturiser, - if your flexible lay on your back with your legs in the air (great for circulation)– if that’s a little much sit comfortably and start massaging the cream into your feet, if you want some extra richness add some olive oil to your moisturiser – be sensible and do not try to walk on a floor you might slip on after this – massage the cream (and oil mix) into your nails, base of the nails – where the nail grows from – over the bottoms of your feet and up your legs. Take your time – this is a treat.
You can either stop here and put on a clean pair of socks to
hold in the moisture or move on to the next stages of the selfie pedicure.
If your cuticles are dry and stuck to the nail plate add a
little extra oil to them, massage this in and then use an orange wood stick to
gently push them back. This is to stop the cuticle adhering to the nail plate
and being pulled up the growing nail plate – which can cause splitting and
tearing of the cuticle.

Apply two coats of your favourite colour – avoiding the
cuticle and without ‘flooding’ the nail walls.
Apply a top coat to give extra shine, bring out the colour
and help the nail colour last.
Wash and dry your feet – especially in-between your toes. A
fungus in a microscopic plant that very much enjoys damp warm skin, where it
can thrive and live off the protein in your skin… commonly called athletes
foots, commonly developing in-between the toes.
If you exercise a lot, wear close toed shoes and socks a lot (especially
if accompanied by lots of walking), have naturally damp feet, or are prone to
athletes foot, a little sprinkle of talc/ corn flour / or specially medicated
anti-fungal talc’s can be easy applied to keep dampness at bay and remove the perfect
environment for fungus to grow.
Thick skin builds up for a reason – protection of the
delicate tissues underneath – you will often find it where your joints are –
these need protecting from pressure to avoid damage and so you have a special
layer of skin that is found on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands
just for this purpose – the Stratum Lucidum – it is a layer of cells filled
with a hard yellowy protein called eledin – and it thickens to provide
cushioning. Cutting into or removing it will encourage faster regrowth of this
layer of skin, which will become very dry and may crack. By doing this you are
removing your skins natural protection… this protection will build up where
your body weight is being specifically applied to one point– do you need to
reconsider what shoes you are wearing? Are you standing evenly?
Look after your feet all year round, it doesn’t take long,
it isn’t expensive, it’s really very easy… simple things like washing them at
the end of the day, drying them well -especially in-between your toes – spend a
few moments massaging in some moisturising cream - cover all of your foot and
include your toe nails and the base of the nail where the toe nail grows from,
and then slipping on a pair of clean socks!
If you want to go the extra mile massage them while laying
comfortably on your bed with your legs in the air – you can rest them against
the wall – and include your legs in the massage too, massage towards the heart
for circulations sake J
And if you want to go the extra, extra mile every now and
then you can treat your self to a professional pedicure – someone doing all the
above and a little more for you!
This is the key to happy, healthy feet.